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You can search the dictionaries in two ways. Enter an English term and then search for it in Anishnaabemowin, Cayuga or both languages (select "Any"). Or, select a letter to see the Anishinaabemowin and/or Cayuga terms beginning with that letter. "{" indicates a dependent noun - one that cannot appear without a pronoun.
look back at sth. belonging to smb.
be marooned, be stranded
be stranded out of water
tie smb. around the head
be a doubter
pretend to have a stomach ache
be dangerous, be threatening
pass something to smb. else in turn
move smb.'s head over
make a suggestion to smb.
well; let's!, come on!
undo sth. [with an instrument]
undo something for smb. [with an instrument]
unlock sth.
unlock something for smb.
unlock sth. (an.)
unravel something for smb.
unravel sth.
unravel sth. (an.)
talk continually, talk incesssantly
have a steady job; work steadily, have steady work
grow continually
be used, be put to use [for a certain purpose]
certainly, for sure, of course
make a constant noise, make noise incessantly
make a constant noise, make noise incessantly
ring constantly, ring incessantly
be used, be put to use [for a certain purpose]
be on constantly
be on constantly, make noise constantly, sound constantly
ring constantly, ring incessantly
unroll sth (an.); unwrap sth (an.)
unroll sth.; unwrap sth.
unroll something for smb.
beat smb. severely, give smb. a severe beating
disparage sth., denigrate sth., thrash sth. verbally
disparage people
defame others, denigrate others, disparage others
disparage smb., thrash smb. [verbally]
where, which (interrogative, used to ask questions of where or which)
use sth. (an.)
constantly, continually, keep [doing something], repeatedly
move constantly, run constantly
run constantly, be constantly on the run
move constantly, be always on the go
tool; utensil
come back to life, be revived; be resurrected
fight each other constantly, fight with each other constantly
get into fights constantly
continue, keep doing something
use something belonging to smb.
use sth.
?? use something belonging to smb.
??undo sth. (an.), untie sth. (an.)
look back, look over one's shoulder
look back at smb.
look back at sth.
look back [as a precaution or out of fear]
undo sth., untie sth.
undo something for smb., untie something for smb.
flip over in the wind
flip over in the wind
flip over
flip up in the wind
fly upside down
do a back somersault
have one's heart flip
turns sth. inside out
wear sth. inside out
wear sth. (an.) inside out
wear sth. inside out
wear sth. (an.) inside out
bump sth. and have it come undone, kick sth. and have it
bump sth. (an.) and have it come undone, kick sth. (an.) and
untie sth.
untie sth. (an.)
be New Year's
be Fourth of July
be midnight
be halfway up the slope
be Thursday
around the middle; around the mid-section
be Wednesday
fill sth. half full [with liquid]