
Definition: certainly, for sure, of course

aabdek av LH, rare at CL 1 certainly, for sure, of course. Aabdek sa naa gnamaa. Hopefully. MC2011.cs. "Aabdek!" kida sa kwejmin wendgwenh da-zhaat. "Certainly!" he says when asked whether he'll go. MC2005.cs. Aabdek sa naa gnamaa wiiba da-bgambiza wa mbus. I sure hope that the bus arrives soon. MC2005.cs. Aabdek go wii-aagwitooknoweng gchi-gsinaak. One must certainly wear a second layer of clothing when it's really cold. MC2005.cs. 2 have to (do something). Aabdagin ginii; gaawii ensa-niibing aabdek aanji-gtigaadesnoo. A rose grows continually; it doesn't have to be planted over again each summer. MC2005.cs. Gitziiman gii-wiijgendwaawaan aabdek, eshki-niibwiyaat. They had to live with her parents when they were newly married. MC2005.cs. Gewii aabdek heating duct ngii-aandaakmatoon gii-naawgeyaang. I also had to rearrange the heating duct when we renovated. MC2005.cs. Ngii-aanji-maajtaa aabdek, zaam gaawii ntam gii-mbis-zinoo nbakwezhganim. I had to start over again because my bread didn't rise the first time. MC2005.cs. Full-vowel form: aabidek.

Part of speech: Adverb
Related Heritage Item: strap dress
Related Language Item: aabskobnaa
Unique ID: n7291537870n
GKS Reference Number: 325
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