
Definition: use sth. (an.)

aabji'aa vta comm. 1sIND ndaabji'aa; 3sCCONJ yaabji'aat; 2sIMP aabjiw; 1 use sth. (an.). Niw dash mdaamnashkoon wgii-aabjihaawaan gii-zhitoowaad niw gziizdeshmownan. And the corn husks they used when they made mats. AK1976.rs. Niibna aabji'aan mnidoomnensan naabkawaagnan zhi'aat. She uses a lot of beads when she makes a necklace. MC2005.cs. Partner: aabjitoon vti. Full-vowel form: aabajih.

Part of speech: Verb Animate transitive verb
Unique ID: n7297171454n
GKS Reference Number: 346
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