Negamaakwaan (Video of Ted Toulouse)

Negamaakwaan (Video of Ted Toulouse)

Negamaakwaan (Video of Ted Toulouse)

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Media (Audio, Video, Docs)

Elder Ted Toulouse, from Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation, narrating in Ojibwe, demonstrates how the Anishinaabeg used to tap trees by cutting a gash in the tree, inserting a wooden spile (negamaakwaan) and placing a biskite-naagan (bark sap bucket) underneath it. Video by Alan Corbiere, Ted Toulouse and Evelyn Roy. To play the video or see the glossary and transcript of it, open the "Show Detailed" tab above, then look under the "Media" section at the bottom of the list.

Nation of Maker: Ojibwe
Date Made or Date Range: 25 May 2015
GKS Reference Number: 27393
How to Cite this Item

Ted Toulouse, Alan Corbiere and Evelyn Roy, Negamaakwaan (Video of Ted Toulouse), Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation, 2015, film. Currently at the Ojibwe Cultural Foundation. Item viewed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip; GRASAC item id 27393.

Approximate Place of Origin
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