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You can search the dictionaries in two ways. Enter an English term and then search for it in Anishnaabemowin, Cayuga or both languages (select "Any"). Or, select a letter to see the Anishinaabemowin and/or Cayuga terms beginning with that letter. "{" indicates a dependent noun - one that cannot appear without a pronoun.
pile sth. (an.) high
be piled high, be heaped high, lie in a big heap, lie
be high
holy, holy cow, holy jeez, holy moly, jeez
holy, holy cow, holy jees, holy moly, jeez
but, though
sharpen something for smb., file something [to sharpen it] for smb.
file sth. [to sharpen it], sharpen sth.
sharpen something for smb., file something [to sharpen it] for smb.
file, whetstone
file sth. (an.) [to sharpen it], sharpen sth. (an.)
Sic'em. Attack!
{of the way something is boiling}
general word for blackbirds, grackle
play hooky
be older (than someone)
wood duck
rock, stone
be rocky
rocky ground
sugar maple
[decorative] headband
stone axe
be rocky
stone foundation, stone structure
have gallstones
gravel bed
tent pole
drain a well
cane, crutch
boil sth. dry, dry bake sth.
boil sth. (an.) dry, dry bake sth. (an.)
[scone-type] biscuit, scone
[scone-type] biscuit, scone
be a best man, be a bridesmaid, stand as a best man
be lean, be skinny, be thin
be skinny
berry buds
dry up
boil dry
boil dry
boil sth. dry
boil things down
boil things down
boil sth. (an.) dry
insert [the tip of] sth. into an object
[the tip of an object] be inserted into something
insert [the tip of] sth. (an.) into an object
[the tip of an object] be inserted into something
school, school building, school house
be at school, go to school, study
study sth., work at learning sth.
use a cane, use crutches
baking soda
a pinch of baking soda
pretend to cough
be made to cough by sth.
give smb. a big bear hug
pull sth. together
be closed (e.g. of umbrellas)
be closed
pull things closed (typically of umbrellas)
pull sth. (an.) together
sit on smb. enveloping him entirely with one's rear end
wear sth. really tight on one's rear end
close up, heal up, be closed up, be healed up
close up, heal up, be closed up, be healed up
sew sth. together [to close up an opening]
sew sth. (an.) together [to close up an opening]
cave in, close up (of the ground)
swallow up sth. (an.) entirely
swallow up sth. entirely
dent sth. (an.) [by hitting it]
dent sth. [by hitting it]
dent sth. [from striking it against something]
be dented, get dented
dent sth. [by one's weight]
dent sth. (an.) [by one's weight]
dent sth. (an.) [from striking it against something]
be dented, get dented
be distributed, be divvied up, be spread out among people
disperse [running], scatter [running]
disperse [flying], scatter [flying]
sprinkle water
disperse [flying], scatter [flying]
spread out [in growing]
spread out [in growing]
leap and splash
spread out
spread out
scatter, splash, splinter, be scattered
scatter, splash, splinter, be scattered
break up, disperse, spread, be strewn
break up, disperse, spread, be strewn
scatter sth. (an.), sow sth. (an.), sprinkle sth. (an.) about (of solids)
scatter sth., sow sth., sprinkle sth. about (of solids)