Rencontre de Grasac juin 2023

Rencontre de Grasac juin 2023

Gathering June 2023

GRASAC Gathering Call for People, Projects, and Papers: Reconnecting and Renewals

The Great Lakes Research Alliance for the Study of Aboriginal Arts and Cultures (GRASAC) is pleased to invite submissions for our gathering at the Ojibwe Cultural Foundation, M’Chigeeng First Nation, Manitoulin Island, from June 9th to 10th, 2023.

The GRASAC 2023 Gathering invites researchers, scholars, activists, and community members to submit proposals for presentations, discussions, or activities exploring “reconnecting” and “renewals.” The last several years have been challenging for everyone, and it’s more important than ever to explore ways to reconnect and renew ourselves and our communities.


Today’s world often pressures us to lose touch with ourselves, our communities, and the land and waters. Reconnecting involves finding ways to restore those connections and re-establishing a sense of belonging. We welcome submissions that explore topics such as:

  1. Reconnecting with the land
  2. Reconnecting in or between communities
  3. Reconnecting with cultural heritage
  4. Reconnecting with ourselves


How can we find ways to regenerate and refresh our perspectives, beliefs, and practices? We invite submissions that explore topics such as:

  1. Renewing practices and ceremonies
  2. Recuperating language and communication strategies
  3. Renewing relationships in and between communities
  4. Healing relations with lands, waters, and plant and animal nations

Proposals on alternate themes are also welcomed and will be considered. We welcome people, projects, and papers from diverse perspectives, from various systems of knowledge, and encourage works in progress. We are enthusiastic about submissions that are innovative, interdisciplinary, and have practical applications. The gathering seeks to bring together scholars and community members to share their research, knowledge, and experiences related to the histories, languages, and cultures of the Great Lakes Indigenous communities.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Proposals should be no more than 250 words and should clearly state the theme or themes being addressed, the methodology and approach, and the significance of the presentation or activity.
  • Proposals should also include a brief biography of the author(s) and their contact information.

Please send your proposals by April 1, 2023, to

We look forward to receiving your proposals and to reconnecting with you all!

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