Language Items

You can search the dictionaries in two ways. Enter an English term and then search for it in Anishnaabemowin, Cayuga or both languages (select "Any"). Or, select a letter to see the Anishinaabemowin and/or Cayuga terms beginning with that letter. "{" indicates a dependent noun - one that cannot appear without a pronoun.

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Form fieldset
A (876) | B (2473) | C (11) | D (1363) | E (315) | G (3170) | H (403) | I (11) | J (306) | K (240) | L (2) | M (1774) | N (2065) | O (1006) | P (159) | S (677) | T (175) | W (893) | Y (43) | Z (1154) | { (208)
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