they (m) have their shoes on
consists of: [ de+P+ ] [ ęhsoweksǫ ] ‘shod’
he is a traitor
consists of: [ deˀ+P+ ] [ rihwadogę: ] ‘traitor’
he is sinless
consists of: [ deˀ+ho+ ] [ rihwaneˀagǫh ] ‘sinless (be sinless)’
his arm is short
consists of: [ ni/de+A/P+N+ ] [ a:kˀah ] ‘short’
he has big rocks (i.e. is well-endowed)
consists of: [ de+A+ ] [ hsgwaowanęˀs ] ‘well-endowed’
he has a beard
consists of: [ de+A+ ] [ gǫhsdǫˀęˀǫd ] ‘beard’
he is blind
consists of: [ de+A+ ] [ gahgwegǫh ] ‘blind’
he is reaching puberty; (lit.: his voice is changing)
consists of: [ de+A+ad+ ] [ adwęnadeni, adwęnadeny ] ‘puberty (reach)’
two males; (they (m) are two)
consists of: [ de+/ni+A+ ] [ yahshe: ] ‘two or more living things’
(it is) discontent
consists of: [ deˀ+d+P+ ] [ ˀnigǫhiyohsdę:ˀ ] ‘discontent’
my nose is stuffed up
consists of: [ de+ ] [ ˀnyǫgri ] ‘stuffed up (have a stuffed up nose)’
I have big arms
consists of: [ de+A/P+N+ ] [ +owanęˀs ] ‘two big objects’
two baskets
consists of: [ de+A/P+N+ ] [ age: ] ‘two’
(it is) doubled up
consists of: [ de+(N+) ] [ aˀse:ˀ ] ‘doubled’
it is broken
consists of: [ de+… ] [ yaˀksǫ ] ‘several broken pieces’
it is piled up
consists of: [ Cęˀhod ] ‘piled up’
two wires
consists of: [ de+A/P+N+ ] [ +kęh ] ‘twins, twinned items’
something is lying across a path, a door, etc.
consists of: [ de+ga+(N+) ] [ hǫˀ ] ‘lie across’
marsh crane; (lit.: it leans; referring to its legs); a bar; a barrier
consists of: [ de+ ] [ +a:hǫh, +aihǫh, +hǫh ] ‘lean’
lining, insulated wall
consists of: [ de+N+ ] [ hnaned ] ‘lining’