he is a reliable person
consists of: [ P+ ] [ rihwadogę: ] ‘reliable’
he has a good job
consists of: [ P+N+ ] [ +iyo: ] ‘have something good’
he speaks sharp words
consists of: [ P+ ] [ rihogaˀd ] ‘speak sharp words’
he is skinny
consists of: [ P+ ] [ hsgyǫˀwatę, hsgyęˀwatę ] ‘thin’
he is old; he is an old man
consists of: [ P+ ] [ asdę:ˀęh ] ‘old (living thing)’
he has a hangover
consists of: [ P+ ] [ hneganyohs ] ‘hangover’
he has put up a tent
consists of: [ P+ag+ ] [ agyaod ] ‘tent (put up a)’
he is possessed, addicted (with gambling, women, etc.)
consists of: [ P+ag+ ] [ agyanaˀ ] ‘addicted’
he is clumsy
consists of: [ P+ad+ ] [ adrihowi: ] ‘slow, feeble’
(he is a) faithkeeper; agent
consists of: [ P+ad+ ] [ adrihǫd ] ‘agent, faithkeeper’
he is happy
consists of: [ P+ad+ ] [ adenǫhahe:ˀ ] ‘happy’
he is choosy about who he associates with; he discriminates
consists of: [ P+ad+ ] [ adǫgweˀdagǫnyǫhs ] ‘choosy, discriminate against people’
they (m) are wise, have the capacity for thinking
consists of: [ P+ ] [ ˀnigǫhowanę ] ‘wise’
they (m) have; they have laid
consists of: [ P+(N+) ] [ yęˀ ] ‘have something’
he is hen-pecked
consists of: [ P+ade+ ] [ adeˀka:ˀ ] ‘hen-pecked’
he is a joker, or happy-go-lucky; he is obnoxious
consists of: [ P+ad+ ] [ adędǫnyaˀdahsgǫ: ] ‘happy-go-lucky, joke, jest’
he is a glutton
consists of: [ P+ade+ ] [ adetsę: ] ‘glutton’
(it is) transparent
consists of: [ he+yo+ ] [ ˀgęd ] ‘transparent’
the last
consists of: [ he+s+ga+(N+) ] [ gǫd ] ‘last’
they (f/m) are outspoken
consists of: [ heˀ+s+P+ ] [ ęhę(:,w) ] ‘outspoken’