services, lit.: they help them
Thunder Ceremony
Licensing and Control Board
licensing body (literally, they give them paper)
subsidy, grant (literally, they give him, them (m) money)
Cat O' Nine Tails
their king
he is a negotiator (with them (m))
her step-son
one-night stand (literally, he's got his leg buried someplace)
his many pets (a variety)
he is a warlock
dirty old thing
he is in a funny or odd mood; he is moody
consists of: [ P+ad+ ] [ atetgędǫni ] ‘mood (funny, odd)’
Big Wolf Clan (chief holding title)
the Great Warrior (a name for the sun)
Slow-Moving Body (Oneida Chief Title)
Bitter Throat (Onondaga Chief Title)
He Is Out Of Sight In Water (Onondaga Chief Title)