phases of the moon
something to draw water with
tea kettle
she is tall
consists of: [ A+ ] [ hnęye:s ] ‘tall’
Green Bean Ceremony (literally, they (m) gather the green beans)
spade, shovel, adze
pick axe
path, hallway (lit. where they walk)
Condolence Ceremony, they (m) will console
Drying Up the Trees Ceremony (ceremony done at the ending of the maple sap run)
they (m) (the False Faces) will wash the house (for medicinal purposes), a ceremony during which the False Faces go from house to house
early night
weighing scales
on her septum
pillow cases
she is really big
consists of: [ A+ ] [ gowanęhgowah ] ‘big (really)’
she is big, pregnant
consists of: [ e+ ] [ gowanęh ] ‘pregnant’
queen, the Queen
consists of: [ gohgowah ] ‘royalty’