women's moccasins
women's moccasins
women's moccasins

Pair of women's moccasins made with smoked deerskin dyed black, featuring quilled motifs of stylized flowers on the front and sides of the moccasins. Originally collected by Johann Georg Schwarz in the 1820s when he travelled to Detroit and Upper Canada. It is currently housed at the Weltmuseum Wien, Vienna, Austria.
GRASAC research notes created during an onsite visit to Weltmuseum in January of 2016. Autumn Epple believes these are actually Haudenosaunee based on the style of the moccasins and the designs.
GRASAC research notes created during an onsite visit to Weltmuseum in January of 2016.
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Deerskin dyed dark brown, smoked; porcupine quills, black cotton tape.
Inset vamp; cuff is sewn onto body, heel seam; cuff is edged with porcupine quills.
Stylized flowers; on heel there is sideways hourglass. According to an assessment by Wahsontiio Cross during a GRASAC visit to the Weltmuseum Wien, the motifs are similar to the designs on some Seneca moccasins she has seen.
Autumn Epple agrees with Cross's assessment, noting that the style of the moccasins are a common Haudenosaunee design, and the floral styles are similar to Seneca and Oneida patterns.
According to an assessment by Naomi Recollet during a GRASAC visit to the Weltmuseum Wien, the different designs on the vamps and cuffs of the two moccasins suggests that each one may have belonged to a different pair.
Johann Georg Schwarz collected this item, possibly when he traveled to Detroit and through Upper Canada in the winter of 1820-1821.
Johann Georg Schwarz traveled to Detroit and through Upper Canada in the winter of 1820-1821.
About This GRASAC Record
Unknown artist, moccasins. Currently in the Weltmuseum Wien, Vienna, Austria, 12021. Item photographed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip January 2016; GRASAC item id 59032.
In January of 2016, a small team of GRASAC researchers visited the collection to study and photograph it: Ruth Phillips, Lisa Truong, Naomi Recollet (Anishinaabe (Odawa/Ojibwe), Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory) and Wahsontiio Cross (Mohawk, Kahnawake). This GKS record was created in January of 2022 by GRASAC RA Aidan Mitchell-Boudreau.

Johann Georg Schwarz collected this item, possibly when he traveled to Detroit and through Upper Canada in the winter of 1820-1821.