woman's skirt

woman's skirt

woman's skirt

top image

Woman's skirt. Hodenosaunee, from the Six Nations of the Grand River Reservation, Ontario. Collected by Joseph W. Keppler, and acquired by the National Museum of the American Indian in 1906.

Nation of Maker: Hodenosaunee/Haudenosaunee
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

Information from catalogue card.

Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

Information from the catalogue card.


navy woolen cloth; natural cotton cloth; black cotton cloth; beige cotton cloth; blue silken ribbon; natural cotton tape;

Techniques or Format

The skirt's upper portion is natural cotton cloth, to which navy woolen cloth has been sewn. A 14cm strip of black cotton, backed with beige cotton and decorated with beadwork and an edge of blue silken ribbon, has been sewn to the skirt's bottom - the top of the panel is sewn 14cm from the edge of the blue woolen cloth, so that the bottom edges of both are not sewn together but are flush at the bottom. A strip of cotton tape is used as a drawstring at the top of the skirt.

Motifs and Patterns

Two of the motifs are embellished.

Condition: reddish-brown spots on the natural cotton; beadwork is in good condition.
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 011875
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1906
Collection Narratives and Histories

Joseph W. Keppler

GKS Reference Number: 25944
Record Creation Context

This record was created by Stacey Loyer while at the NMAI on a Visiting Student fellowship, November 3-December 15 2009.

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