woman's skirt

woman's skirt

woman's skirt

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A woman's skirt of black broad cloth; the skirt is decorated with silk ribbon application; obtained of two Mesquakie women near Tama, Iowa; purchased from William Jones.

Nation of Maker: Other
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

obtained from Mesquakie women

Place of Origin: Tama, IA
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

catalogue card


black broad cloth, wool yarn (red, black), silk ribbons (green, red, yellow, black, faded blue), natural cotton yarn

Techniques or Format

A rectengular piece of black broad cloth was folded and sewn together in a tube; the bottom edge and overlapping sides are decorated with ribbon application in geometric pattern; sewing done with natural cotton yarn

Motifs and Patterns

geometric pattern: rhombs, symmetrical and asymmetrical triangles

Condition: good
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: IV-B-6363 a
GKS Reference Number: 1155
Record Creation Context

Created by Nikolaus Stolle during a research visit to the museum commissioned by Ruth Phillips and supported by her research funds.

Approximate Place of Origin
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