woman's beaded hood

woman's beaded hood

woman's beaded hood

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Beaded woman's hood made of black cloth and edged with red silk ribbon. Adorned with elaborate, double-curved designs throughout.

Nation of Maker: Malecite
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

British Museum Online Record. Malecite or M'ikmaq.

Date Made or Date Range: 19 C

Made of beads; white, blue, pink, purple, red, yellow, green, cloth; red, black, ribbon; red.

Techniques or Format

Black cloth edged with red silk ribbon. Hood is edged with white beads, and also beaded with double-curved designs, with various decorative elements throughout the whole pattern.

Other Notes

Curator's comments
see Rayna Green (ed) `The British Museum Encyclopaedia of Native North America' British Museum Press, 1999. NB - the number in the index is incorrect, it has been reversed with the roach spreader on the same page. see JCH King `First Peoples, First Contacts' British Museum Press 1999.

Note by Ruth Holmes Whitehead, March 1985. "Woman's traditional peaked cap of four pieces of wool, the two upper sections of black wool with a border of red silk ribbon applique, the lower section red wool, with a border of purple ribbon appliques. All open edges have an additional border of white glass pony beads in the one up/one down pattern. Cap lined with grape coloured glazed cotton. (Linings are unusual on caps such as these.) Both sections are decorated with the double curve motif in beadwork, using white glass beads on the lower section, and grey-white glass beads on the uppers. The motifs are elaborated in beads of other colours: white, ultramarine, pink, robins-egg-blue, turquoise, gold, crystal, gentian blue, powder blue, pea green, teal blue, pale pink, dark green, coral seed beads. There are also faceted brass beads and slightly larger crystal beads, indicating late nineteenth century date. The cap is in the shape of a square with a right-angled triangle on top."
British Museum Online Record.

Dimensions: 38.9 × 0 × 0 cm
Condition: Excellent
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

British Museum Catalog Card.

Current Location: British Museum, London, UK
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: Am 1929 1216.7
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1929
Collection Narratives and Histories

Mrs. Henry Brady

GKS Reference Number: 24466
How to Cite this Item

Unknown artist, hood, for woman. Currently in the British Museum, Am 1929 1216.7. Item photographed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip December 2007; GRASAC item id 24466.

Record Creation Context

Record created as part of practicum, winter 2009.

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