wall pocket or pouch

wall pocket or pouch

wall pocket or pouch

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Haudenosaunee broadcloth wall pocket or pouch with beaded fringe attributed to Six Nations. Floral designs containing quatrefoils found on appliquéd beadwork. Likely made between 1860-1890. Dr. Oronhyatekha Ethnology collection.

Nation of Maker: Hodenosaunee/Haudenosaunee
Date Made or Date Range: Mid to Late 19 C
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

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High quality black broadcloth, tan cotton tape (faded from blue), blue cotton checked backing and lining, size 11 or 12 seed beeds in translucent green and burgundy; opaque white, dusty rose, pink and medium green, navy blue, turquoise; greasy turquoise and teal; white lined rose; red orange resin beads (identified by ROM conservator Julia Fenn)

Techniques or Format

Two piece construction with hanging loop, resin beads are strung on a string doubled and sewn to the back of the bag at the middle; appliqued beadwork

Motifs and Patterns

Flowers and leaves; four petalled flowers called "the Ojibwe rose" [Carrie Lyford]

Dimensions: 28 × 18 × 11 cm
Condition: Blue tape faded to tan
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 911.3.126, HD 255
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1911
Publication History

F. Barlow Cumberland, Catalogue and Notes of the Oronhyatekha Historical Collection (Toronto: Independent Order of Foresters, 1904), p 22, Item 61. "Small Beaded Pouch or Pocket, Six Nations."

GKS Reference Number: 1431
How to Cite this Item

Unknown artist, wall pocket or pouch. Currently in the Royal Ontario Museum, 911.3.126. Item photographed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip December 2008; GRASAC item id 1431.

Record Creation Notes/Observations

GRASAC team research trip to the Royal Ontario Museum, Dec 15-19 2008, funded by SSHRC Aboriginal Research Grant. Participants: Heidi Bohaker, Alan Corbiere, Lewis Debassige, Anne De Stecher, Darlene Johnston, Stacey Loyer, Trudy Nicks, Ruth Phillips

Ethnography team, Dec 18: Cory Willmott, Trudy Nicks, Anne De Stecher, Ruth Phillips assisted by Tracey Forester

Approximate Place of Origin
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