Surrender of Mohawk Land on Bay of Quinte
Surrender of Mohawk Land on Bay of Quinte
Surrender of Mohawk Land on Bay of Quinte

In consideration of an annual payment of 450 pounds in goods, the Six Nations Indians surrendered unto the Crown 33,280 acres of reserve lands in Mohawk Township, County of Hastings. See IT076 - Original or Duplicate Surrender, IT077 - Original or Duplicate Surrender
First Nation surrendering lands
Treaty document
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parchment, ink, green ribbon
Description of Land Sold:
The Mohawk Chiefs have agreed to sell, for the good of their nation, a certain portion of a tract of land granted to them in 1820. In consideration of the sum of 450 pounds currency, the Mohawk Nation agreed to surrender the following tract of land:
A tract of land in the Mohawk Township on the Bay of Quinte, in the County of Hastings, in the Midland District, bounded on the west by the eastern limit of the allowance for raod on the eastern boundary of Thurlow, on the east by the western limit of the allowance for road on the western boundary line of Richmond, and on the north and south by unconceded lands of the said Indians, containing fifty-two square miles, which said fifty-two square miles are described as follows: commencing at the south west angle of the said tract, where a post has been planted at the distance of fifty chains from the southern limit of the allowance for road in front of the second concession of Thurlow in the eastern limit of the allowance for road on the eastern boundary of the said Township of Thurlow on a course south sixteen degrees east at the distance of seventy-five chains from the mouth of Salmon River, in the Bay of Quinte, measured on the eastern limit of the said boundary, on a course north sixteen degrees west; then north eighty-two degrees thirty minutes east parallel to a line produced from the front of the second concession in Thurlow to the front of the third concession of Richmond, eight hundred and sixteen chains, eighty-seven links, to where a post has been planted at the south-east angle of the said tract in the western limit of the allowance for road on the western boundary of the Township of Richmond, at the distance of one hundred and sixty-three chains from the Bay of Quinte; then north sixteen degrees thirty minutes west along the western limit of the said allowance for road four hundred and fourteen chains to where a post has been planted at the north-east angle of the said tract; then south eighty-two degrees thirty minutes west parallel to the southern boundary eight hundred and sixteen chains eighty-seven links to where a post has been planted at the north-west angle of the said tract in the eastern limit of the allowance for road on the eastern boundary of Thurlow; then south sixteen degrees east along the said limit four hundred and fourteen chains, to the place of beginning; containing 33,280 acres.
J. Tredennick, Capt. 70th Regt.
G.A. Goldfrop, Lieut. 70th Regt.
Robert V. Kerr
John Claus
John Ferguson
Benj. Fairchild
Crown Signatories:
W. Claus, Dy. S.G. of I.A. on behalf of the Crown
First Nation’s Signatories:
John Green
Anthony Smart
Joseph Smart
Brant Koa
Nicholas Crawford
David Claus
Daniel Green
Abram Markle
Moses Lewis
Francis Markle
John Hill
Date document signed
Canada, Indian Treaties and Surrenders from 1680 to 1890, 2 vols., (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1891), 1: 54-58.
About This GRASAC Record
20 July 1820, Surrender of Mohawk Land on Bay of Quinte, Library and Archives Canada, Indian Affairs, D-10a, Series A, Volume 1842, Reel T-9938, GAD REF IT078,, (heritage item id no. 3298, accessed [date]).
This record was created under the direction of Heidi Bohaker as part of a larger research project funded by an Aboriginal Research Grant titled “Braiding Knowledges: Anishinaabe Heritage in Community Perspective”from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
43.0703, -80.1184
Location of treaty lands