Surrender of Land on South-east Side of Detroit River
Surrender of Land on South-east Side of Detroit River
Surrender of Land on South-east Side of Detroit River

Surrender of land on the south-east side of the Detroit River. Land surrendered as a "gift", with a roadway to be built running through it. Purchased for 300 pounds Quebec currency worth of goods.
Nation selling treaty lands
English: Fall
Treaty document
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paper,brown ink,
19 doodemag
Description of Land Sold:
Tract of land on southeast side of Detroit River on the Huron Reserve. From there the boundary runs up the said river to a certain creek, about 157 yards above a wind-mill belonging to Messieurs Baby; thence south 73 degrees east 43 chains and 64 links; thence south 28 degrees each 134 chains and 2 links; and thence north 74 degrees west 161 chains and 40 links till it intersects the said River Detroit, which intersection is the station or place of beginning, containing by measurement 1078 acres. An additional tract of land measuring 175 yards was given as a gift by the First Nations groups to construct a road thorough the Huron Reserve. The road was wanted to connect communication between the Township of Sandwich and the Majesty’s Garrison of Amherstburgh.
F. Baby, Commissioner of Upper Canada
Alex Duff, Commissioner of Upper Canada
H. McLean, Capt. R.C.V. Commanding
Alex McMillan, Capt. R.C.V.
L.R.C. de Lery, Capt. R.C.V.
Wm. Bachwell, Lt. R. Engineers
John Suth’d Sinclair, Lt. R. Artillery
J.I. Duchesnoy, Lieut. R.C.V.
Rob’t Woolsey, Ensign R.C. Vols.
Stephen McVay, Ensign R.C.V.
Geo. Ironside, Lt. K & Clk. I. Dept.
Simon Girty
T. Alexander Clarke
John Martin
Crown Signatories:
T. McKee, S.I.A. for and on behalf of His Majesty
First Nation’s Signatories:
Ustaiechta, or RoundHead
Ruhumatt, or One Canoe
Utreaupowannie, or Great Batt
Kagekumego or Otter
Pisortim or Tuner
Date document signed
Canada, Indian Treaties and Surrenders from 1680 to 1890, 2 vols., (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1891), 1: 30-32.
About This GRASAC Record
11 September 1800, Surrender of Land on South-east Side of Detroit River, Library and Archives Canada, Indian Affairs, D-10a, Series A, Volume 1841, Reel T-9938, GAD REF IT 037, (heritage item id no. 2523, accessed [date]).
This record was created under the direction of Heidi Bohaker as part of a larger research project funded by an Aboriginal Research Grant titled ““Braiding Knowledges: Anishinaabe Heritage in Community Perspective”from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Location of treaty lands