Surrender of 1.5 Million Acres

Surrender of 1.5 Million Acres

Surrender of 1.5 Million Acres

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Provisional agreement to surrender 1.5 million acres of land in Southern Ontario. Land surrendered to the British by the Chippewa Nation for 1200 pounds currency in goods to be paid yearly. See IT055 - Provisional Agreement, IT056 - Contemporary Copy, IT057 - Copy

Nation of Maker: Anishinaabe
Nation of Origin

First Nation surrendering lands

Date Made or Date Range: No date
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

Treaty document


parchment, ink, wax

Motifs and Patterns

4 doodemag, possibly reproduced

Description of Writing/Text

Description of Land Sold:

In consideration of the yearly sum of twelve hundred pounds, province currency, in goods at the Montreal price, the Chippewa Nation do freely, fully, and voluntarily surrender and convey to His Majesty, the following tract of land:

Bounded by the District of London on the west, by Lake Huron on the north, by the Penetanguishene purchase (made in 1815) on the east, by the south shore of Kempenfelt Bay, on the western shore of Lake Simcoe and Cook’s Bay and the Holland River to the north-west angle of the Township of King, containing by computation one million five hundred and ninety-two thousand acres.


J. Givins, Supt. Indian Affairs

Alex McDonell, Asst. Sec’y Indian Affairs

John Claus

Crown Signatories:

W. Claus, Dep. Supt. Gen., on behalf of the Crown

First Nation’s Signatories:

Musquakie, or Yellow Head

Kaqueticum, or Snake

Muskigonce, or Swamp

Manitonobe, or Male Devil

Manitobinince, or Devil’s Bird

Other Notes

May not belong to treaty No. 18, but has been connected to it because of information on the docket

Dimensions: 0 × 0 × 0 mm
Condition: Most of document missing, small holes in remainder, doodemag do not have names attached to them
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

No date discernable

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: Government Archives Division Reference Indian Treaty Number 058
Link to Institution's Collections Database:
Publication History

Canada, Indian Treaties and Surrenders from 1680 to 1890, 2 vols., (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1891), 1.

GKS Reference Number: 79
How to Cite this Item

17 October 1818, Surrender of 1.5 Million Acres, Library and Archives Canada, Indian Affairs, D-10a, Series A, Volume 1842, Reel T-9938, GAD REF IT058,, (heritage item id no. 3287, accessed [date]).

Record Creation Context

This record was created under the direction of Heidi Bohaker as part of a larger research project funded by an Aboriginal Research Grant titled “Braiding Knowledges: Anishinaabe Heritage in Community Perspective”from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Approximate Place of Origin
Source of Information about Places

Location of treaty lands

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