stick design
stick design
stick design

Drawn and engraved design of water spirit or water being doodem on wood. Text written in ink and graphite on both sides of the small wooden panel includes: "Kathio"; "Ojibwa O-do-daim un / from / Kathio After / Sagutchu / 1901"; "J.V.B."; "Anawash". Anishinaabe, made in 1901. Part of a museum exchange with the Minnesota Historical Society.
Writing on object indicates "Ojibwa"
GRASAC generated.
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wood; ink; graphite
Water being is engraved on one side of carved wooden panel then filled in with ink, also coloured in with crosshatching. Designs and lettering on both sides of wooden panel have been done with ink and graphite.
Water being with tail, feet, hands, possibly scales, and long hair. On front with water spirit in ink: [possibly script, unreadable] / "Kathio." On back in ink: "Ojibwa O-do-daim un / from / Kathio After / Sagutchu / 1901" "J.V.B." "Anawash O-do-daim-un"; upside down in ink "Top"; in graphite "An-a-wash" "A-na-wash"
Water spirit as possibly nibiinaabe(?). Text indicates "O-do-daim un" [odoodeman], possible identification of merman clan/doodem(?)
Museum documentation
Museum exchange with Minnesota Historical Society
About This GRASAC Record
Visit to Denver Art Museum of Alex Nahwegahbow and Ruth Phillips, assisted by Eric Berkemeyer and Kristin Strid on 21 Jan 2014.
Work in Progress.