
Sleeve made of black wool and lined with beige cotton with pink and gold patches, cuff edged with orange cotton and 6 rows of beadwork in a curvilinear design
Artefact catalogue record mentions "Plains Cree"and Nehiyawak as Nation of Origin. Catalogue last updated: 02/21/2013.
Summary of Artefact catalogue record, last updated: 02/21/2013.
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Cloth: black wool,orange and beige cotton; seed beads, blue,yellow, maroon; stain, pink, gold.
Hand sewn sleeve made of black wool with seed bead decoration; Consists of lower part of sleeve which has been cut off; Cuff end edged with worn orange cotton; Above cuff, sleeve decorated with 6 rows of bead work in curvilinear design; Lower part of sleeve lined with beige cotton stained with pink and gold patches.
sleeve decorated with six rows blue, yellow, maroon seed beadwork in curvilinear design
Sleeve. Legging? On owner's receipt, item is called beaded legging. T. Cochrane believes it is more likely to be a bottom part of a sleeve.
Much beadwork broken.
About This GRASAC Record
Manitoba Museum
Summer internship at The Manitoba Museum, 2013.
Photos taken by Dr Cory Willmott

Catalogue records attribute it to the Plains Geo-Cultural area.