Six Nations Tyendinaga Reserve Surrender
Six Nations Tyendinaga Reserve Surrender
Six Nations Tyendinaga Reserve Surrender

The Chiefs, Warriors, women and children of the Six Nations residing in the District of Tyendinaga, have surrendered approximately 26 acres of reserve land to be held in trust by George Vardon, Thomas Anderson, and Joseph B. Clench.
First Nation surrendering lands.
English: Winter
Indian Treaties and Surrenders.
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paper, ink, wax
Description of Land Sold:
The Chiefs, Warriors, women and children of the Six Nations residing on the District or Territory of Tyendinaga, in the District of Victoria, have surrendered a tract of land hereinafter described, and by Our Letters Patent regrant the same to the persons hereinafter named as trustees for their use in manner and subject to the trusts and for the ends, intents, and purposes and with, under and subject to the powers, provisos, conditions, restrictions, limitations and declarations hereinafter expressed, declared and contained of, and concerning the same. In consideration of the wishes of the Six Nations, we have granted unto George Vardon, of the City of Montreal, Assistant Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, Thomas G. Anderson, of the City of Toronto, and Joseph B. Clench, of the Town of London, in the London District, Visiting Superintendents of Indian Affairs, all that tract of land situated, in the Township of Tyendinaga, in the District of Victoria, and on the south-easterly side of the Salmon River, being composed of parts of lots numbers five and six in the first concession south of the road in the said township, containing twenty-six acres and three roods of land, including several streets laid out or intended to be laid out thereon for the purpose of forming a town plot, and which said tract or parcel of land is butted and bounded or may be otherwise known as follows: commencing in the front of the said concession at the south-east angle of the said lot number six; then north sixteen degrees west thirteen chains, to land leased by the Mohawk Indians to George Auldjo; then southerly, seventy-four degrees west twenty chains fifty links, to the south-easterly side of the Salmon River; then south-westerly following the south-easterly side of the said river down the stream to the allowance for road in front of the said concession; then north eighty-two degrees thirty minutes east twenty-nine chains seventy-five links, to the place of beginning; reserving, nevertheless, the allowance for road between the said lots number five and six, and free access to the shore of said Salmon River for all vessels, boats, and persons. To have and to hold the said tract hereby given and granted unto them the said George Vardon, Thomas G. Anderson, and Joseph B. Clench, as joint tenants, free and clear of and from all manner of rents, fines, or services whatsoever to be rendered by them.
Charles Murray, Earl Cathart of Cathart
Crown Signatories:
D. Daly, Secretary
Date document signed
Canada, Indian Treaties and Surrenders from 1680 to 1890, 2 vols., (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1891), 1: 140-143.
About This GRASAC Record
12 January 1847, Six Nations Tyendinaga Reserve Surrender, Library and Archives Canada, Indian Affairs, D-10a, Series A, Volume 1844, Reel T-9938, GAD REF IT142,, (heritage item id no. 2930, accessed [date]).
This record was created under the direction of Heidi Bohaker as part of a larger research project funded by an Aboriginal Research Grant titled ““Braiding Knowledges: Anishinaabe Heritage in Community Perspective”from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Location of treaty lands