Six Nations Surrender in the Townships of Townsend and Tuscarora
Six Nations Surrender in the Townships of Townsend and Tuscarora
Six Nations Surrender in the Townships of Townsend and Tuscarora

Condensed version of deed of surrender by R. and B. Rogers to Queen Victoria. In consideration of the sum of 906 pounds and 10 shillings, Reynold Rogers and Benjamin Rogers have surrendered unto Her Majesty a parcel of land located in the Township of Townsend, containing 12 acres of land. Also, in consideration of the sum of 486 pounds and 10 shillings, Reynold and Benjamin Rogers surrender to Her Majesty lands situated in the Township of Tuscarora. A small parcel of land lying between Tuscarora and Townsend has also been surrendered for the sum of five shillings. Both parcels of land are to be held in trust by Her Majesty Queen Victoria for the benefit of the Six Nations Indians. See IT164 - Original Surrender.
First Nation surrendering lands
Treaty documents
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parchment, ink
Description of Land Sold:
In consideration of the sum of nine hundred and six pounds and ten shillings, Reynold Roers and Benjamin Rogers, have granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, released, and surrendered unto Her Majesty Queen Victoria, all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situated in the Township of Townsend, in the County of Norfolk, in the District of Talbot, and Province of Canada, containing by estimation twelve acres of land, being composed of a central part of the north half of lot number twenty in the second concession of the Township of Townsend aforesaid, which said parcel of land is bounded as follows: commencing where the easterly side of said lot would intersect the northerly edge of the waters of the mill pond upon said half lot, allowing the waters of the said mill pond to be raised to the height of twelve feet above the natural level of the water’s of Malcolm’s Creek, below the mills now or lately owned or occupied by said Reynold Rogers and Benjamin Rogers; then south fifteen degrees and forty minutes east seven chains, or be the distance more or less, to the southerly edge of the waters of said mill pond, allowing the same to be raised to the height before mentioned; then bounding on the southerly edge of the waters of said mill pond, allowing the same to be raised to the height before mentioned, the several windings and turnings thereof in a north-westerly direction, be the distance more or less, to the westerly side line of the said lot; to the northerly edges of the waters of said mill pond, allowing said waters to be raised to the height before mentioned; and then bounding on the northerly edge of the water’s of said mill pond, allowing the same to be raised to the before mentioned height in a south-easterly directions, the various turnings thereof, be the distance, to the place of beginning. To have and to hold, the same to Her said Majesty, Her heirs and successors forever, to Her and their use and benefit, but in trust nevertheless for the Six Nations Indians, and subject also to the reservations contained in the deed of conveyance of the said parcel or tract of land from one Matthias Woodley to them the said Reynold Rogers and Benjamin Rogers.
For in consideration of the sum of four hundred and eighty-six pounds and ten shillings paid to Reynold Rogers and Benjamin Rogers in hand by and on behalf of Her said Majesty, the receipt whereof they and each of them do hereby acknowledge, and granted, bargained, sold, and surrendered all the right, title, interest, claim, and demand to all those parcels of land situated and being in the Township of Tuscarora, in the Gore District, in the Province aforesaid, being composed of the south halves of lots numbers twenty-eight and twenty-nine in the first concession of the said Township of Tuscarora. To have and to hold the same to said Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Her heirs and successors forever, to Her and their sold use forever, but in trust nevertheless for the Six Nations Indians.
And whereas some of the mills, dams, buildings and other the premises and improvements intended to be surrendered and yielded up, and for which the said sums of money above specified are paid, may be situated in part upon the town line allowance for road or common between the said Townships of Townsend and Tuscarora, but it was and is nevertheless understood and agreed that they are to be included in this assignment and surrender. Also, for the further sum of five shillings to them in hand paid by and on behalf of Her Majesty, Reynold and Benjamin Rogers surrender unto Her Majesty a parcel of land lying between the said Townships of Tuscarora and Townsend. For another payment of five shillings, Reynold and Benjamin Rogers transfer over to Her said Majesty all the rights, privileges and powers of raising the water in the stream, supplying the said mills, and of overflowing lands adjacent thereto in the said Townships of Townsend and Tuscarora.
John Jackson
John Carlough
Reynold Rogers
Benjamin Rogers
Date document signed
Canada, Indian Treaties and Surrenders from 1680 to 1890, 2 vols., (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1891), 1: 173-176.
About This GRASAC Record
10 August 1849, Six Nations Surrender in the Townships of Townsend and Tuscarora, Library and Archives Canada, Indian Affairs, D-10a, Series A, Volume 1845, Reel T-9939, GAD REF IT165,, (heritage item id no. 3312, accessed [date]).
This record was created under the direction of Heidi Bohaker as part of a larger research project funded by an Aboriginal Research Grant titled “Braiding Knowledges: Anishinaabe Heritage in Community Perspective”from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
43.3, -78.1
Location of treaty lands