Sir William Johnson to Captain Henry Montour, April 28, 1764

Sir William Johnson to Captain Henry Montour, April 28, 1764

Sir William Johnson to Captain Henry Montour, April 28, 1764

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Letter from printed primary source

Date Made or Date Range: 1764-04-28
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

"The papers of Sir William Johnson, Volume 4.” Prepared for publication by the Division of Archives and History at the University of the State of New York.

Description of Writing/Text

Instructions for the expedition and journey to fight at Niagara. Troops are mixed white and Indian. Johnson stresses giving provisions to the Indians and keeping the peace. Warns to be careful of Indians seeking intelligence under guise of friendship and to stress the English have no ill will on them as long as they give up any non-Indian enemies hiding amongst them. Ensure that the Indians do not listen to Messages or Speeches not given by Johnson himself, and that they are not swayed by other Indians.

Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

Date of letter

GKS Reference Number: 58867
How to Cite this Item

Sir William Johnson to Captain Henry Montour, April 28, 1764. In “The papers of Sir William Johnson, Volume 4,” prepared for publication by the Division of Archives and History, pg 411-413. Albany: University of the State of New York, 1925. GKS ID: 58867.

Approximate Place of Origin

43.0703, -80.1184