Sioux Wristlets
Sioux Wristlets
Sioux Wristlets

Object record denotes these as "Sioux wristlets." No other more specific attribution of tribal group or location is given.
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Buckskin leather used for base material and tie closures. Glass beads, trade cloth (possibly cotton) used to cover outer and inner sides of wristlets, respectively.
Beads sewn on to buckskin using "lazy stitch" technique, cloth lining folded over edges of buckskin and stitched on, ties appear to be threaded through holes in one side of the wristlet and attached to the other.
Red geometric crosses, black-on-yellow checkerboard pattern, black "v" shape filled with blue field, blue and red stripes along base.
Believed to be made for tourist trade due to minimal amount of wear; possibly originated from Grass Dance tradition
"Ways of Seeing/Exhibiting American Indian Art: The Pomona College Collection," Montgomery Gallery, 1/19-3/20/94.