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Wool yarn, glass beads
The wide sash has long, partially braided fringes. It is woven of wool yarn in stripes of varying width in ochre, red and navy blue. Yarn is 3 Z singles, S plied; single oblique interlacing; beads accessory to yarn, two strand weft twining for patterning. Finish: one row two strand weft twining. Fringe yarns paired and three strand interlacing, knot, replied for self-fringe. Some weaving imperfections near the middle, where rows become uneven and some tension problems occur.
Each stripe has a zigzag pattern worked in white beads, hightlighted with a parallel red or blue stripe of embroidery. In the central red and green stripes the zigzag lines overlap to form a lattice or interlace effect. The large red stripe has a netted diamond pattern, the large green one above has a nested zigzag pattern. Below the two central stripes are four small stripes, and above are three, all beaded and embroidered with a single zigzag.
Four small colour lines on lower part, and three above, to indicate the sacred number seven (AC). The nested zigzag on the green stripe may represent the thunderbird, while the latticed diamonds on the red stripe represent the underwater panther (CW).
length of one fringe: 28.5 in., length of other fringe: 25.25 in.
Pohrt purchased sash from Mary B. Shurtleff, Cross Village, MI
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