Saddle, Pad
Saddle, Pad
Saddle, Pad

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Leather, linen, wool. Beads- Greasy- lemon yellow, dusty rose, medium green, opaque turquoise, white, navy blue, black. Clear: dark yellow, dark green, pink,. White heart rose. Opalescent, white. All size 11. Trade beads in transparent yellowish green, turquoise, navy, dark turquoise, transparent tubular trade beads. CW. Red paint or ink applied to seam of seat. CH.
Hourglass shaped pieces of leahter that have been bound together with wool wrapped cord. The center of the pad is stitched lengthwise with a leather thong. Large beaded wedge shaped panels of black linen and wool have been applied to the corners of the pad saddle. These wedges have floral motifs that are asymetrical. Each corner has an attached rectangular panel of heavily beaded black wool. These panels are trimmed with longer tabs of faded black wool that has been edged in red woolen tape and contain an open beadwork of opposing hyllical motiff that encases blue beaded crosses. These panels are symetrical in the back, asymetrial in front and are geometric beadwork; chevrons in front and diamonds in back. Each tab has a large set of tassels formed from very old trade beads, blue, clear and turquos hanging from the flaps. The seatr of the pad saddle has a large peice of leather at a 90 degree angle to the saddle. This piece would be the seat area and has crenellated edges. CW, SFR, CH.
Asymmetrical floral patterns that have been couched onto a piece of wool creating a solid beaded applique that was then applied to the pad. Geometric fields are also noted with the presence of chevrons and diamonds. The usage of wool yarn wrapped around cord has also been used as a motif with alternating red and blue not he front half of the pad saddle and blue and royal purple to bind the back half. CW, SFR, CH.
Pad saddle of leather and extensive beading. The corners of the pad saddle are extensively beaded (couched) creating solid panels of floral bead appliques that were then applied to the leather. There are also rectangular panels of geometric solid beading that have been applied to the corners of the pad saddle extending away from he body of the saddle. These are lined with open beadwork tabs that contain blue beaded crosses in front and yellow in back. Ch wonders if these are indicative of Midiwewin. The open beadwork of these tabs is said to be reminiscent of Saulteaux. Beads on tassels are much older than the rest of the saddle. See scanned drawing for measurements.
Based on physical observation by SFR and CW.