quilled birchbark box

quilled birchbark box

quilled birchbark box

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Square quillbox with handle on lid, featuring faded stripes in a solid-quilled surface.

Nation of Maker: Odawa
Place of Origin: Emmet County, MI

birch bark, natural porcupine quills, wooden splints, spruce root,

Techniques or Format

square birch bark quilled box with lid, lined with birch bark; bottom lining tacked on with natural quills; handle on lid attached with single quill on either side; wooden splints bound to lid with spruce root

Motifs and Patterns

four bands of darker quill on lid (faded); sides of box also has dark bands of quill

Condition: good, with a few broken quills
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: E233324
GKS Reference Number: 25548