Provisional Surrender of Land in Orillia Township, Simcoe County, Ontario
Provisional Surrender of Land in Orillia Township, Simcoe County, Ontario
Provisional Surrender of Land in Orillia Township, Simcoe County, Ontario

In consideration of payment annually of interest from sales, and another payment for the general use of the Indian tribes of Ontario, the Chippewas Tribe of Indians surrender a tract of land on the public high road leaving from Coldwater to the Narrows of Lake Simcoe.
First Nation surrendering land
English: Winter
Treaty document
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parchment, ink, ribbon
5 doodemag
The Chiefs and Warriors belonging to the Chippewa Tribe of Indians of Lakes Huron and Simcoe do surrender to the Crown a tract of land on the road leading from Coldwater to the Narrows of Lake Simcoe, in consideration of the tribe receiving an annual payment of interest from 1/3 of the proceeds of the sale.
J. Givins, C.S.I.A.
W.B. Robinson, M.P.P.
William Hepburn
First Nation's Signatories:
Yellow Head
John Aisance
Thomas Naineshunk
Wahbone Young
Big Shilling
James Bigwing
Joseph Shilling
Benjamin Joseph
Henry Jones
Henry Stanour
John Pawgawaznine
Crown Signatories:
F.B. Head, Lt. Governor
Date document signed
Canada, Indian Treaties and Surrenders from 1680 to 1890, 2 vols., (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1891), 1: 117.
About This GRASAC Record
26 November 1836, Provisional Surrender of Land in Orillia Township, Simcoe County, Ontario, Library and Archives Canada, Indian Affairs, D-10a, Series A, Volume 1844, Reel T-9938, GAD REF IT 126,, (heritage item id no. 2906, accessed [date]).
This record was created under the direction of Heidi Bohaker as part of a larger research project funded by an Aboriginal Research Grant titled ““Braiding Knowledges: Anishinaabe Heritage in Community Perspective”from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Location of treaty lands