pouch, leather

pouch, leather

pouch, leather

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A Dene made leather quillwork pouch in the form of a miniature bandolier bag with floral and geometric designs in applique, loom and wrapped loop quillwork. From the Pearsall collection.

Nation of Maker: Other
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

Dene; FLMNH records; F. Dockstader (February 1968) and A.H. Whiteford (February 1977)identify this as "Chippewayan-Athabascan"

Place of Origin: Simcoe County, ON
Date Made or Date Range: 1820/1830
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

FLMNH records


leather, porcupine quill, pony beads

Techniques or Format

bandolier bag from, but smaller; has three types of quill work, strap and bag top have floral applique quillwork, the front of the bag has two loom quillwork panels with wrapped quillwork loops around the bottom edges and pony beads at the sides

Motifs and Patterns

floral, geometric

Condition: excellent
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

approximate, FLMNH online database (based on N. Feder identification)

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: P0374
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1963-12-17
Date Relative was First Removed or Collected from its Community Context: 1900/1960
Collection Narratives and Histories

Items purchased on the art market by Col. Leigh M. Pearsall between 1900 and 1960. Purchased from Pearsall by the University of Florida Endowment Corp., the collection contains several thousand archeological and ethnographic specimens chiefly from North America, and comprises a large portion of the FLMNH's ethnographic collection.

GKS Reference Number: 25718
Record Creation Notes/Observations

Made from the records of the FLMNH

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