pipe tomahwak

pipe tomahwak

pipe tomahwak

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Pipe, tomahawk

Nation of Origin

English: Originally English.

Date Made or Date Range: to 1810s

head is steel shaft is hardwood

Techniques or Format

Manufactured in the UK.

Motifs and Patterns

Head is marked B.O. for Board of Ordinance. And Crowfoot mark. Done by the Military for distribution to chiefs.

Other Notes

LabeL : Serving [ ] Pipe and a Battleaxe. Manufactured in England for the purpose of barter with the Indians of Canada. Large K at the top of the label. Could it have had the Anishinaabe name for it?

Dimensions: 45 × 23.5 × 0 cm
Condition: Pipe bowl is quite clean. Overall quite good. Blade has been sharpened and is very sharp. Evidence of use? Is very, very sharp. Don't touch
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

Size of Label suggests earlier date of acquisition (early 18th C)

Current Location: Cuming Museum, London, UK
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: C03483
GKS Reference Number: 24808
Approximate Place of Origin
Source of Information about Places

Other-- Manufactured in the UK

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