Papers destroyed by fire from James Rivington etc. to Sir William Johnson, May 1764
Papers destroyed by fire from James Rivington etc. to Sir William Johnson, May 1764
Papers destroyed by fire from James Rivington etc. to Sir William Johnson, May 1764

Note from printed primary source
"The papers of Sir William Johnson, Volume 4.” Prepared for publication by the Division of Archives and History at the University of the State of New York.
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Niagara meeting to discuss ‘true’ policy of England’s Indian affairs, including peace:
In the Johnson Calendar, p. 223—25 are listed the following papers which were destroyed by fire:… one of the 22d to the Earl of Halifax, describing the effects of recent operations of friendly Indians against hostile nations, speaking of the coming conference at Niagara and dis- cussing the true policy in Indian affairs, (printed in Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:632-33) [quote from that letter …William Johnson he makes no doubt of a peace with all the western Indians…
About This GRASAC Record
Papers destroyed by fire from James Rivington etc. to Sir William Johnson, May 1764. In “The papers of Sir William Johnson, Volume 4,” prepared for publication by the Division of Archives and History, pg 426-427. Albany: University of the State of New York, 1925. GKS ID: 58840.