Order in Council Regarding the Mississauga Surrender of Islands in the Bay of Quinte and in Rice Lake
Order in Council Regarding the Mississauga Surrender of Islands in the Bay of Quinte and in Rice Lake
Order in Council Regarding the Mississauga Surrender of Islands in the Bay of Quinte and in Rice Lake

A report of the Executive Council regarding the Mississauga Surrender of islands and other lands in Rice Lake (Mississauga's of Rice and Mud Lakes) and the Bay of Quinte (Mississauga's of Alnwick). The Committee recommends that the surrenders by accepted, minding a major stipulation in the agreement with the Mississauga's of Alnwick.
First Nation surrendering lands
English: Summer
Treaty document
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paper, ink, wax
The Superintendent General of Indian Affairs submitted two deeds of surrender by the Mississauga Indians of Rice and Mud Lakes, and by the Mississaugas of Alnwick. Both surrenders carry one stipulation: that they monies arising from the sale of the lands may be invested for the benefits of the bands surrendering.
The Mississauga's of Mud and Rice Lake surrender islands in Rice Lake, and all the islands and mainland lying in the Newcastle and Colborne Districts (except the reservations on the shores of Rice, Mud and Scugog Lakes. There was some doubts as to whether these islands were not included in a former surrender.
The Mississauga's of Alnwick cede the islands belonging to them in the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario, Weller's Bay and the River St. Lawrence, and certain lands on the mainland (the ground on the mainland and the islands in the St. Lawrence are claimed by other parties however).
The S.G.I.A. suggests that it is advisable to insert a stipulation that the monies going to benefit the Mississauga's of Alnwick should be held binding only so far as the title of that band be found good.
William H. Lee, C.E.C.
Date document signed
Canada, Indian Treaties and Surrenders from 1680 to 1890, 2 vols., (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1891), 1: 208.
About This GRASAC Record
12 July 1856, Order in Council Regarding the Mississauga Surrender of Islands in the Bay of Quinte and in Rice Lake, Library and Archives Canada, Indian Affairs, D-10a, Series A, Volume 1845, Reel T-9939, GAD REF IT 198, http://grasac.org/gks, (heritage item id no. 3181, accessed [date]).
This record was created under the direction of Heidi Bohaker as part of a larger research project funded by an Aboriginal Research Grant titled “Braiding Knowledges: Anishinaabe Heritage in Community Perspective”from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Location of treaty lands