mtignaagan bowl
mtignaagan bowl
mtignaagan bowl

This ancestor is a small oval shaped bowl that is tan in colour. This mtignaagan is a maple bowl with raised sides, a flat bottom, and a rim around the outer edge. According to the Detroit Institute of Arts curator at the time of viewing, this ancestor was used to hold medicine. This bowl has a small chip on one side, and two carved lines at the bottom edge. This ancestor currently resides at the Detroit Institute of Arts.
DIA records associate this bowl with Cross Village, Michigan
The Detroit Institute of Arts records and GRASAC researchers observations, including former DIA curator David Penney.
Read More About This Relative
Wooden bowl (maple): small, oval shape; sides higher on the ends; rim carved around outer edge; flat bottom.
Detroit Institute of Arts Curator David Penney observed the bowl was used for medicine.
The Detroit Institute of Arts dates this ancestor to 1860.
Formerly in the collection of: Mary B. Shurtleff, Cross Village, Michigan.
About This GRASAC Record
Unknown Odawa Maker. "Bowl". GRASAC ID number 24617, located in the Detroit Institute of Arts, catalogue number 81.104.
This record was originally created by David Penney. It was augmented by Natasha Fares in December 2023. The images of the mtignaagan bowl were removed to respect an agreement between the Detroit Institute of Arts and the Michigan Anishinaabeg Communities of Practice group.
45.641167822914, -85.038324779436
Cross Village, Michigan identified in Detroit Institute of Arts records as one location in this bowl's history.