MS Hamelin (Augustin Jr) 1835 – 1859, M5:1834
MS Hamelin (Augustin Jr) 1835 – 1859, M5:1834
MS Hamelin (Augustin Jr) 1835 – 1859, M5:1834

Manuscript: paper, folded first in half like a book, then into four horizontal bands, written on the front (docket and document body) and inside (signatures of the witnesses). In the Burton Historical Collections.
Nation named in manuscript (DLM).
Indian letter
of Attane [?], to
August Hamelin
Jr ere[?] and to
the His ‘son’ by [very difficult to read]
Clln Hamelin
To All Whom it May Concern
The Chiefs of the Ottowa tribe of Indians at lake Croche Little Traverse and elsewhere & of the Chippewas residing near Mickmac in council assembled.
To Augustin Hamelin Jr. Greeting.
Know ye that placing special trust and confidence in the integrity ability and learning of Augustin Hamelin Jr of our said tribe of Ottowa and in consideration that his Grandfather Ki mi ni cha gom was during his life Head Chief of our said Bomez [?] resident as aforesaid and to hereby empower him to execute and perform all the duties pertaining to that appointment and hereby engage to ratify all his doings as such
Witness our hands J Geabd [?] the council at Little Traverse the 3d [written in bold, perhaps added later] day of May [appears added later, possibly by a different hand, indicated here by a different font] 1835
Witnesses Little Traverse bay & L’ [?] tribe Croche Indians
[left side – column]
Nisawakwat [totemic signature of a snake: “W” shaped, distinct head, facing left]
Apakosigan [totemic signature of a crane: side view, jointed legs, three toed feet, long full neck, straight beak, wings resting along side and bustle downward pointing]
Sagitaudawe [totemic signature of a bear: full body with no break between body and head, small ears, four legs, feet forward facing, small tail]
Makatebieuss [totemic signature of a thunderbird: two opposing triangles, wings outstretched, head facing left, feathers trailing, no legs, straight beak]
Miskomeueuaiyw [totemic signature of a bird: loose body with indents at middle, inverted triangle shape not pronounced, straight beak, two lines within squared off body – possibly legs, wings outstretched and feathers clearly depicted, long neck]
Tekamasimon [totemic signature of an unknown figure: three pronged shape, lower prong stem/tail like, upper two prongs rounded and hairy]
Kimimtchagan [totemic signature of a bear: four legs, feet facing forward, thicker line along rounded back, small tail and ears]
[right side – column]
Ancvatinochkans [totemic signature of a crane: wings back with feathers, small bustle, short legs, one with two toes, long neck and straight beak, inked in]
Pètasige [totemic signature of a crane: dark, round bustle, body and bustle very curving, figure almost “S” shaped]
Wisagisi [totemic signature of a bird: outstretched wings, feathers hanging down, straight beak, claws outstretched, line-like tail]
Chawanakoa [totemic signature of a crane?: wings outstretched, three toes, short neck, duck-like head]
Mensiswewinini [totemic signature of an unknown figure: three pronged shape, lower prong stem/tail like, upper two prongs rounded and hairy. Similar to that of Tekamasimon - above]
Tagwagane [totemic signature of a crane: wings outstretched]
Neoginia [totemic signature of a bird of prey: small and darkly inked]
Inside - page 2:
[Left side]
Little Traverse Indians.
Wason [totemic signature of a crane: side view, striped, very long straight beak, wings back, walking]
Asagou [totemic signature of a bear: rounder shape, four legs, feet slightly indicated, round back, small tail and head]
Onaakum [totemic signature of a bear: leaner shape, round back, four legs, frontward facing feet, small tail, head down and little ears]
[Right side]
Indians of the village of the Cross.
Nawianachkote [totemic signature of a bullhead: top view, squared off tail, four fins parallel to each other, tear-shaped body]
Pebamictabi [totemic signature of a bullhead: fatter body, squared off tail, four parallel fins, top view]
Ptawackachi [totemic signature of a crane: side view, walking, duck-like body, long neck, only one foot indicated, no toes]
Saganikoam [totemic signature of a crane: legs bent backward, three toes, bustle, small beak]
Wechki [totemic signature of a bear: flat tummy, rounded back, two legs, feet forwards, small head and small ears]
Wabiwintigo [totemic signature of a bear: round back, two legs, front foot forward facing, rudimentary head and small ears and tail]
Merritowachi…e [totemic signature of a bullheads: top view, squared off tail, four parallel fins]
Melbioeijandacadin [totemic signature of a bullhead: top view. Squared off tail, four parallel fins]
Kinochamy [totemic signature of a bullhead: top view, squared off tail, four parallel fins]
Mawase [totemic signature of a bear: round back, small head and ears, small tail, two legs, feet facing forward, inked in]
Naososinkebi [totemic signature of a bear: very faint, round back, small head and ears, two legs, feet facing forwards, small tail, head rounded]
Nabanesijis [totemic signature of a Channel catfish: top view, forked tail, barbels and four curving pectoral and pelvic fins parallel to each other ]
Wechnawate [totemic signature of a bear: pointed head, small ears, round back, inked in, two legs, feet forward facing, small tail]
Kisiswabe [totemic signature of a crane: very long legs, long neck, thin body and pointed straight beak. Three toes clearly indicated on front foot.]
[space between the end of this list and the start of the next, continuing along same column]
Chiefs in the vicinity of Mackinac
Misatagon [totemic signature of a crane?: four curving tail feathers distinct, rooster-like, short legs, three toes indicated on both feet, left facing, straight beak and inked in]
Chabwewechkam [totemic signature of a small bear?: four legs, small feet forward facing, small body, back not obviously curved, head distinct, small ears, long curved tail]
Enso [totemic signature of a walking eagle: this totemic signature touching the small bear of Chabwewechkam - above, curved talons, full body, large bustle/tail feathers, curved beak, inked in]
[bleed through from totemic signatures on front of manuscript]
Inside - Page 3:
Kitchi Wikwetong or Grand Traverse Bay
Echkwegowibi [totemic signature of a bear: four legs, forward facing feet, small head and ears, straight back, inked in]
Akowise [totemic signature of a bear: four legs, forward facing feet, round back, small head and ears, small tail, half inked in – hastily sketched scribbled line]
Chaiabwasaug [totemic signature of a bird of prey: curved neck, downward looking head, pointed tail faethers, one thick leg with rounded dot for talons, inked in]
Nibakoam [totemic signature of a crane: straight neck, straight beak, possible toes indicated, inked in]
Mikinak [totemic signature of a snake: ”w” shaped, head clearly indicated, facing left]
Omisinackkotewe [totemic signature of a forked stick: think branch and thicker forks, parallel]
North Manistique River
Makousiwaian [totemic signature of a crane: large, long neck, straight beak, wings back and feathers indicated, long jointed legs and three toes indicated. Half inked in]
Matchigijig [totemic signature of a crane: long neck, straight beak, wings back and feathers indicated, long jointed legs and three toes indicated]
Kinonji [totemic signature of a crane: long neck, straight beak, wings back and feathers indicated, long jointed legs and legs walking]
Ademini [totemic signature of a crane: long neck, straight beak, wings back and feathers indicated, long jointed legs and three toes indicated]
Paiechigwewitang [totemic signature of a crane: long slightly curved neck, head looking down, straight beak, wings back and feathers indicated, long legs and three toes indicated]
Webinessi [totemic signature of a pike: side view, three lower fins – pectoral, pelvic and anal - and split tail/caudal fin]
Makatebinessi [totemic signature of a crane: long neck, straight beak, rudimentary wings back, long jointed legs and three toes indicated. Inked in head.]
Nabitasawe [totemic signature of a caribou: curved hoof print, dew claws indicated]
Wetanesa [totemic signature of a crane: tear-drop shaped body, long jointed legs and three toes indicated, wings back, long curved neck and slightly curved beak]
Moryale [totemic signature of a fish: side view, forked tail, one pelvic fin indicated]
South Monistic River
Naganabi [totemic signature of a bear: rounded back, two legs, small tail and ears, inked in head. No feet.]
Kiwekochkam [totemic signature of a bird of prey: upside down, curved beak, inked in, no talons]
Misigamigong or Plate River
Kegwetose [totemic signature of a unknown totem: two lines, lower one curved with three small lines branching out and down – possibly fish?]
Pere Marquettes River
Sagima [totemic signature of a bear: small, inked in, four legs, feet forwards, round back, small head and ears]
White River
Noweiakosi [totemic signature of a crane: long neck, straight beak, wings back, long jointed legs, no feet]
Wenawe [totemic signature of an otter: side view, round back, no ears, short legs, no feet, long, low linear tail]
[totemic signature of a bear?: lozenge shaped body, inked in head, small ears and tail, two legs, slight indication of front foot forward facing]
[top of page – third column]
Grand River
Nenamatabi [totemic signature of a crane?: duck-like, inked in, left looking, toes indicated but unclear if there are three per foot]
Read More About This Relative
paper and ink
manuscript paper folded first in half like a book, then into four horizontal bands, written on the front (docket and document body) and inside (signatures of the witnesses).
Animal motifs: bear, caribou, crane, bird of prey, bullhead, channel catfish, snake, and unknown.
Totemic signatures/clan motifs
Manuscript: paper, folded first in half like a book, then into four horizontal bands, written on the front (docket and document body) and inside (signatures of the witnesses). In the Burton Historical Collections.
Signed and dated. (DLM)
About This GRASAC Record
MS Hamelin (Augustin Jr) 1835 – 1859, M5:1834
This record was created as part of a Great Lakes Research Alliance for the Study of Aboriginal Arts and Cultures (GRASAC) research trip to the Detroit Institute of the Arts, Burton Historical Collection, funded by a grant from the International Opportunities fund of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
45.8, -83.9
Manatoulin Island and vacinity named in MS (DLM)