MS Godfroy, Gabriel James June 20, 1795
MS Godfroy, Gabriel James June 20, 1795
MS Godfroy, Gabriel James June 20, 1795

Manuscript and Docket, deep centre fold, stamped on back with red BHC stamp. In the Burton Historical Collections.
Nation named in manuscript (DLM).
Rec.d in my office 27th May 1797 Riviere au Resin [flourish] 1795
PA [flourish on initials]
Registered in my office in the book No. 1
Page 92
Peter Audrain
Recorder [written within flourish under name]
No. 23 [box lightly inscribed around it]
Capt. Godfroy
Nous les Chefs de la nation Poutiwatamis après avoir Deliberé Sur L’etat actuel des terre qui Nous laipons incultes depuis longtems, de L’avais & Conaentement General dela Nation avons Déterminé den Donner une portion a Nos amis Gabriel Godfroy & TK Beaugrand prenant a Deux arpens plus basque le Village de Chawénanbais a main droite an Montant
[?] an montant y Campoi[?] le village [the last 6 words added in small script between the lines, appear to refer to the mountain]
la ..te [?] Riviere au Resin, & Continues a jusqué a la distance de trante arpans de frond sur Cent vings.anp de farofond un .. pour la Bonne amitié qui nous leur portons nous Leurs alumons un f[?s?]uip, du paix et de trang ..iteté, Aeoutant quis en sans aucune empuhemant quequirngue [??] …. Et ayant cause C’est peringiwy[???] nous avons fait nos marques accoutumé au Detroit le 20 Juin 1795 a.. ent entre lignaent …
térnoira préfont
Leurs Michimangue Marque [totemic signature of the top view of a Channel catfish: four fins opposite each other, curved tail, stripped body]
Chawoisiessè [totemic signature of a forked stick: long, thin line, small branches]
Panchiere Kadua [totemic signature of a bullhead or Channel catfish: tail open, top view, four opposing fins, dark knob like head]
Va [beside the bullhead] Marque [under the bullhead]
I Ddse apenais [possibly the “va” – above – is a totemic signature like a stylized forked stick? Appears to be by same hand]
J Bondy [a stylized mark by the same hand beside the name, looks like a combination of the “J” and the “y”, which were written with a flourish]
G Pepesi… [fancy scroll incorporated into end of name, ink faint]
Isidore Detisle [totemic signature of a Channel catfish: ink the same colour as name, forked tail, top view, four opposing fins and dark, pointy head. Catfish somewhat on own on manuscript but appears to be associated with this name because of the proximity to this name]
P Lagoteril [fancy scroll incorporated into last letter of name]
R. Cachamere [bracket-like scroll to sides and underneath name] Temoips [written above but by same hand]
Chiamwenambais [totemic signature of a pike under name: very long]
Rt. Sons I[?]raints
Wabacoussè, fils de la touton[??] [totemic signature of a sturgeon: ink very heavy at tail, bleed-through to other side, lines somewhat shaky. Little catfish-like barbs and pectoral and pelvic fins shown]
Otaies La Marques [totemic signature of a bullhead or Channel catfish: tail open and seen from top view, pointy head and striped body]
Mangobossa [totemic signature of a marten or skunk: curved body, no neck, four legs with feet indicated and different directions, long fluffy tail and two pointy ears. Double stripe indicated along back. Bleed-through from legs onto other side]
Ninassrette [totemic signature of a beaver: pointy head, four legs, round tail]
Read More About This Relative
paper and ink
paper and ink manuscript with 15 signatures, and 8 totemic signatures, 2 unclear motifs
beaver, sturgeon, pike, bullhead, Channel catfish, marten/skunk, forked stick
Manuscript and Docket, deep centre fold, stamped on back with red BHC stamp. In the Burton Historical Collections.
Manuscript signed and dated (DLM).
About This GRASAC Record
MS Godfroy, Gabriel James June 20, 1795. Burton Historical Collections
This record was created as part of a Great Lakes Research Alliance for the Study of Aboriginal Arts and Cultures (GRASAC) research trip to the Burton Historical Collection at the Detroit Institute of the Arts. funded by a grant from the International Opportunities fund of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).