MS Godfroy, Gabriel James July 28, 1780 Pottowatomie deed
MS Godfroy, Gabriel James July 28, 1780 Pottowatomie deed
MS Godfroy, Gabriel James July 28, 1780 Pottowatomie deed

This manuscript is a property grant from the Potawatami Nation of Detroit to Captain Gabriel James Godfroy for land near the Red River (Riviere Rouge) dated July 28, 1780. The deed is signed using totemic signatures/clan emblems of the Potawatami Chiefs and by F. Williams, Justice of the Peace. The exact perameters of the land are described in detail within the manuscript. The Chiefs are named as the following: manuscript 1: orawanaghquat; Cljetunse; Keurtenau; Eskebu; Winbesgo; Waeu; and Nesowaghquat. Manuscript 2: Mesaskwangui; Nesowagui; Osawanaghqual; Penenou; Windego; Pelamueketae; nekesou; Waweyagthlin; Okeya; Eskebee; and Nesowaghqual.
Nation named in manuscript (DLM).
Information contained within manuscript now part of the Burton Historical Collection located in the Detroit Public Library.
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Paper and ink.
Appears written with a quill pen.
Totemic signatures/clan emblems of animal and fish motifs: thunderbird, stag, doe deer, fish, hare and a forked stick.
No. 6
Rec’d in my office the 27th may 1797 P.A. [initialled] Riviere Rouge
Registered in my office in the book No. 1. Pages… 89, & 90. Peter Audram recorder [writing very small and cramped]
No.3 [crossed out, written in different hand, lines thicker, writing larger]
Recorded Liber B Folio 104 Geo: Hoffman [written in different hand, writing faster as ink is lighter and larger, more of a slant to script]
… Godfroy
Manuscript 1:
Nous les Chefs de le Nation des Poutéouatamis apres avoir deliberé sur l’etat actuel des terres que nous laissons incultes depuis longtems de l’avis et Consentement general de la nation, avons determiné den donner une portion a notre am Louisse Campeau contenant trios arpents de fierre sur la Riviere Rouge a main droiten montant la ditte Riviere _____ tenant de un fote a Henry Tucker et de l’autre a et pour la bonne et sincere amitié que nous luy portons nous luy allumons un feu de paix et de tranquilite en luy garantissant des a present et a toujours ses horps et ayans causes la susditte portion de terre cyenonié a fin qu’elle en souisse sans aucun empechement quelsong cest pour quoy nous avons fait nos marques accoutesmus
[all totemic signatures upside down and appear to be done by the same hand]
Orawanaghquat (totemic signature of a bear: head down feet forward, lozenge shaped body, tiny tail.)
Cljetunse (?) (totemic signature of a hare?: head down, long straight lines for antlers, tear shaped body, long downward pointing tail)
Keurtenau (totemic signature of a fish: pointy head, three fins, two on top of body at head and tail, one underneath body near tail)
Eskebu (totemic signature of a hare? Long ears, upright medium tail, hind leg longer than foreleg)
Winbesgo (totemic signature of a fish: pointy head, eye, double fin on top near head, double fin below near tail, darkened tail)
Waeu(?)seyaghtin (totemic signature of a fish: very darkly scripted, very pointy head and tail, long tail fins)
Nesowaghquat (totemic signature of a forked stick: very long prongs)
[totemic signatures look individually scripted by different hands, some smaller and cramped (bear), others more shaded(3rd fish), line thickness differs(all)]
Je Soussigné Certifié que les chefs ey dessus ond (b?)fait lune ellargues, et declare donner Volontairement la terre ey dessus enonceé au Detroit le 8 (ime written above “8”) Août 1780
V.Williams [fancy scroll below name] Juge apaix
Enregistré au Greffe du Detriot en le Registre No. 2 folio 35 & 37 par moy
F. Williams [fancy scroll above and below name]
[script more slanted and tighter on this deed than on Manuscript 2, letter formation differs markedly on “d”, “p” and “t” between manuscript 1 and 2. Signature with fancy scroll the same.]
Manuscript 2:
Nous Les Chefs de le nation des Poutèouatauil aprés avoir déliberé sur l’etåt actuel des terres que nous laissons incultes, depuis Longtems, del’avis et Consentement géneral de la nation, avons déterminé d’en donner une portion a nótre amy Jacques godfroy pere. Contenant Trios aspents de front sur la riviere rouge a main gauche en montant La ditte Riviere Laquelle portera saprofoūdeur jus qu’aux Terres des srs. St. Conces freres tenant d’un Coté a Isadore cherne, et de l’autre Coté a Meniche Labady, et pauar Labonne et sincere amitié que Luy portons nous Luy allumons un feu depaix detranquilité en Luy garantissant des aprésent et a toujours ses mou.. [illegible] et ayaut Cause La sus ditte portion de terre ___ cy énoncée a fin quil en jouisse saur aucun Empecheuient queliongue: Cest pourquoy nous, avons fait nos marquez accoutumeis
[all totemic signatures scripted upside down]
Mesaskwangie (totemic signature of a thunderbird: one triangular body with wing outstretched and feathers flowing down from wings, lower part pf body incomplete triangle (no bottom) and “v’ shaped tail, two small lines suggesting legs)
Nesowagu (totemic signature of a stag: large rack of antlers, upright tail, shaggy underside of neck and full body)
Osawanaghqual (totemic signature of a bear, small head looking down, upright tail, full body, feet facing forward, hind leg bent)
Penemou (totemic signature of a fish, two lower fins together near head, two upper fins together near tail)
Windego (totemic signature of a fish: similar to Penanou’s (above) but with a blunter head)
Pebamueketae (totemic signature of a fish: humped back, pointed head, fins placed as others (above))
Nekesou (totemic signature of a sturgeon: ink thickest of all, tail a sharp “v”, double line on belly, three sets of double fins, two on belly and one on back nearest tail. Dark hooked head. Firm line behind, appears to be by same hand)
Waweyaghtin (totemic signature of a fish: similar in size and design to first three, but with a more angular body. Head rounded and belly fuller.)
Okeya (totemic signature of a fish: fins similar to first three, head very pointed, angled slightly down, tail narrow and fish shape narrow at either end.)
Eskebée (totemic signature of a small mammal – long tailed, long eared, long slim body. Possibly hare?)
Nesaviaghqual (totemic signature of a forked stick)
[there is a consistency to the totemic signatures in line thickness and, in the case of the fish, fin placement and tail design. Possibly ALS: Author Locus Signature/Seal]
Je Soussigné Certifié que les chefs ey dessus ont fait leurs Marques, et donner Volontainement la terre ey dessus enonué au Detroit le 28 Juillet 1780
V. Williams (fancy scroll under signature) Juge apaix
Emegistré au Greffe du Detroit en le register No. 2 folio 27 par moy
F. Williams [fancy scroll under signature]
Typewritten translation of Manuscript 2:
We, the Chiefs of the Nation of Ponchatrains [crossed out and corrected above in pencil to Pottawatomie], after having considered the present condition of these lands which we have allowed to remain uncultivated for a long time, with the general consent of the Nation, we have decided to give a part of the land to our friend Jacques Godfroy, father, containing three * (arpents) of frontage on the River Rouge, on the left side on going up the above river. The said land will have a depth as far back as the land of the St. Cannes Brothers, bounded on one side by the land of Isadore Chene and on the other side by that of Meniche Labady, and because of the good sincere friendship which we feel for him we light a fire of peace and calm in guaranteeing him from now on and forever the above mentioned piece of land, in order that he may have all rights without interference whatsoever. That is why we have placed our customary marks:
I, the undersigned, certify that the above Chiefs have made their marks and voluntarily given the land announced above.
At Detroit July 28, 1780
(signed) F. Williams
Justice of Peace
Registered in the Files of the Detroit register of deeds, - no 2 Folio.
Translated by R. B. Schnoor, Berlitz School of Language, Detroit, - 10/22/37
* Arpent is equal to 1 to 1 ½ acres
Two Manuscripts – two copies of the same deed (AC) (wording the same but different dates, and different number of Chiefs - DLM) plus docket. Additional typewritten transcription and translation into English of Manuscript 2. First manuscript: Regular rectangular paper, folded into four horizontal bands. Second manuscript: Slightly irregular rectangular paper, folded into four horizontal bands, sides damaged, running into text slightly. Docket: rectangular paper, folded into four horizontal bands, third band from left has docket information script running vertically. Edges very worn on folds. In the Burton Historical Collections.
Signed and dated July 6 1780, and August 8 1780. (DLM)
About This GRASAC Record
MS Godfroy, Gabriel James July 28, 1780 Pottowatomie deed. Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library.
This record was created as part of a Great Lakes Research Alliance for the Study of Aboriginal Arts and Cultures (GRASAC) research trip to the Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library, funded by a grant from the International Opportunities fund of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).