moss bag
moss bag
moss bag

A beaded moss bag made of sewn woollen worsted fabric, with velvet strip and glass beads in floral motifs along the front opening, and hide thong ties used for lacing.
GRASAC generated
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black woollen worsted fabric; black velvet; red silk ribbon edging; red stroud; cotton woven checked lining; thong ties; glass beads
The moss bag is made with separate pieces of sewn black woollen worsted fabric along the top band, sides, and bottom shaped with darts. The outer panel of the bag is inset with red stroud and ornamented with glass beads. Along the front of the bag opening are strips of possibly velvet, edged with red silk ribbon and decorated with glass beads. Hide thong ties looped through holes along the opening form loops for lacing. The moss bag is lined with a cotton checked lining.
Floral, double curve, wavy lines
Outer panel gives impression of layering
About This GRASAC Record
Visit to National Museum of Denmark of Ruth Phillips, Norman Vorano and Alex Nahwegahbow assisted by Mille Gabriel and Anja Blok Jespersen on June 24, 2016.