moccasins (unfinished)

moccasins (unfinished)

moccasins (unfinished)

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Unfinished single seamed moccasins made of deer skin, smoked and dyed dark brown. Porcupine quills create a motif of two sets of paired double curves. Collected by Viola Hartan. Currently housed at the Weltmuseum Wien.

Name of Maker(s): Anonymous Anishinaabe artist
Nation of Maker: Anishinaabe

Deer skin smoked and dyed dark brown; porcupine quills

Techniques or Format

Single seamed moccasins unfinished at the heel; centre seam sewn with thread (possibly cotton/sinew)

Motifs and Patterns

Paired double curves, two sets

Other Notes

The amount of hide left for the heel appears to be unusually short considering the size of the vamp/motif

Dimensions: 27 × 11.5 × 0 cm
Condition: Good considering unfinished; quills missing; repairs on the back; leather is very soft
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses


Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 150572ab
Previous Collectors: Viola Hartan
GKS Reference Number: 58986
How to Cite this Item

Unknown Anishinaabe artist, moccasins. Currently in the Weltmuseum Wien, Vienna, Austria, 150572ab. Item photographed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip January 2016; GRASAC item id 58986.

Record Creation Context

In January of 2016, a small team of GRASAC researchers visited the collection to study and photograph it: Ruth Phillips, Lisa Truong, Naomi Recollet (Anishinaabe (Odawa/Ojibwe), Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory) and Wahsontiio Cross (Mohawk, Kahnawake). This GKS record was created in November 2021 by GRASAC RA Amelia Healey.

Approximate Place of Origin

43.3, -78.1