
Haudenosaunee-style moccasins with centre-seam, beaded vamp and cuffs. Tanned hide is decorated in beadwork on the vamp and cuffs, which have deteriorated to the point where most of the beads on vamp are missing, and the silk ribbon has detached from the cuff.
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smoked hide, silk ribbon, glass beads, no lining, beige thread (possibly cotton)
Each made of single piece of leather. Appears to have a central seam, narrow vamp of a separate piece of hide sewn over the seam, and ribbon sewn around the vamp. Single seam at the heel. Rossette of silk ribbon with beads at the centre at the top of vamp, appears floral. Beadwork on vamp. Beaded edge on silk ribbon on cuffs
Vamp: Possibly floral motifs on vamp. Green beads possibly stem and leaves, meet the silk ribbon rossette at the top of the vamp to create a possibly floral motif. Zigzags on cuffs
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Visit to Peabody Essex Museum (Salem, MA) of Wahsontiio Cross and Alexandra Nahwegahbow, assisted by Eric Wohlin on 10 August 2015.