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A pair of moccasins with central seam, made ca. 1840. Decorated with porcupine quills on the seams and cuffs, a pair of horn or hook motifs stitched in the middle of the moccasin top. Gifted to the museum by K. Hoogeveen in 1884.

Date Made or Date Range: ca. 1840
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

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hide; porcupine quills; fabric tape in blue/green and cream colour;

Techniques or Format

The moccasins appear to have a single piece construction with seams up the centre of the vamp and heel, and folded-over cuffs. A single narrow row of zig-zag band quillwork covers the centre vamp seam. The heels have been ornamented with a single vertical band of porcupine quills. The front of the cuffs have been bound with with blue/green fabric tape, and the backs with cream-coloured fabric tape. On each of the moccasins, one cuff has been decorated with two rows of zig-zag band quillwork and the other with one row of zig-zag band quillwork.

Motifs and Patterns

On each moccasin: A pair of horn or hook motifs in the stitching on moccasin top. Zig-zags on one cuff. Opposing zig-zags forming diamond shapes and 'X's on the other cuff.

Dimensions: 27 × 11 × 9.5 cm
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

Museum documentation

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 454-25
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1884
Who the Institution Acquired the Relative or Heritage Item From: K. Hoogeveen
Collection Narratives and Histories

Gifted to the museum by K. Hoogeveen in 1884

GKS Reference Number: 26044
Approximate Place of Origin
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