Maun-gua-daus, George Henry, chief of the Ojibwa Nation of Credit (Upper Canada)

Maun-gua-daus, George Henry, chief of the Ojibwa Nation of Credit (Upper Canada)

Maun-gua-daus, George Henry, chief of the Ojibwa Nation of Credit (Upper Canada)

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This is a daguerreotype portrait of Maun-gua-daus (or Maun-gwa-daus), George Henry, chief of the Ojibwa Nation of Credit (Upper Canada) and interpreter employed by Indian Affairs. It dates from c 1846-1848.

Nation of Maker: Anishinaabe
Nation of Origin

Library and Archives Canada record.

Date Made or Date Range: 1846-1848
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

Library and Archives Canada record.


Photograph on positive non-paper, daguerreotype.

Motifs and Patterns

This is a portrait of Maun-gua-daus, or Maun-gwa-daus, George Henry, b.circa 1804-. He was a chief of the Ojibwa Nation of Credit (Upper Canada) and an interpreter employed by Indian Affairs.

Other Notes

The Library and Archives Canada record also describes a "p.-p. double elliptique' boit. (15 x 12cm) en cuir, motif d'un médaillon oval surmonté d'un masque de chevalier avec couronne" (p.-p. a double elliptic box, 15 X 12 cm, in leather, with the motif of an oval medalion topped by the crowned mask of a knight).

Copy negative 1982-038 NPC PA-125840; Copy negative 1982-038 NPC NPC-055;Colour transparency 1982-038 NPC K-0000077.

Dimensions: 0 × 0 × 0 mm
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

Library and Archives Canada record

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: Mikan no. 3198805
Link to Institution's Collections Database:
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1982
Exhibition History

Aboriginal Portraits; Ed Tompkins, Jeffrey Thomas; National Archives: 1996.06.18-1996.11

Facing History; Lydia Foy, Peter Robertson; National Archives: 1993.05.28 - 1993.09.01

Publication History

Published in "Sometimes a Great Nation: A Photo Album of Canada 1850-1925, by Edward Cavell, 1984. Plate 1, p. 25. NPC-055.

Published in "Treasures of the National Archives of Canada / Trésors des archives nationales du Canada," p.311. ISBN 2-921114-75-5

Comment on Source of Exhibition & Publication Data

Library and Archives Canada record

GKS Reference Number: 1008
Approximate Place of Origin
Source of Information about Places

The Ojibwa nation are of the Great Lakes region.

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