man's leggings

man's leggings

man's leggings

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Man's leggings. Hodenosaunee, Seneca. From the Cattaraugus Reservation, New York. Collected by Joseph W. Keppler from Nancy Bowen. Acquired by the National Museum of the American Indian in 1934.

Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

Information from catalogue card.

Place of Origin: Cattaraugus Indian Territory
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

Information from the catalogue card.


navy woolen cloth; black cotton cloth; red silken ribbon; size 12 opaque white beads; beige thread; black thread.

Techniques or Format

Each legging is made from several pieces of cloth, sewn together. At the top, one half of each legging extends about 7-10cm above the other half. Black cotton is sewn underneath the places where beadwork decorates the leggings. Both leggings are sewn up, with openings of about 10cm left at the bottom.

Other Notes

Though the museum describes the leggings as woman's, this length is traditionally worn by men.

Dimensions: 80 × 30 × 0 cm
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 186447
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1934
Collection Narratives and Histories

From Nancy Bowen (Lila Jimerson-Mrs.Marquand murder trial witness, Buffalo, 1930)

GKS Reference Number: 25568
How to Cite this Item

This record was created by Stacey Loyer while at the NMAI on a Visiting Student fellowship, November 3-December 15 2009.

Record Creation Notes/Observations

As this is part of my doctoral research, I would like to keep this record private until I've completed my dissertation.

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