list of Indian gifts, various dates likely all 1794

list of Indian gifts, various dates likely all 1794

list of Indian gifts, various dates likely all 1794

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This appears to be a list of gifts given to Indians. As per other lists by this same author, the style is generally to note the name of a Chief present, and to note that or how many other Indians were present.

Nation of Maker: None
Nation of Origin

In Document: as per the "names" field above, but no nations mentioned as nations.

Techniques or Format

Ink on paper

Motifs and Patterns


Additional Context


Description of Writing/Text

People: Gravel! Joseph; LaMoches; Michacona[us]; Muhaconuru! Sauteux du Messisague[accent aigu]; Wabiquequique! Outawois;

Condition: Good with some letter fading.
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

Date given in document.

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: Claus Papers, Vol. 6 (M.G. 19, F1) reel C1479, pp. 109-110.
Date Relative was First Removed or Collected from its Community Context: 0
GKS Reference Number: 920
How to Cite this Item

Claus Papers, Vol. 6 (M.G. 19, F1) reel C1479, pp. 109-110.

Record Creation Context

Created by Research Assistant Aaron Mills during the first summer of the SSHRC Aboriginal Research Grant 2007 to 2010

Approximate Place of Origin
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