leggings, men's

leggings, men's

leggings, men's

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Plains style home tanned hide with applique beaded panels with geometric motifs and rough fringes on sides and cuffs. Collected in Desbarats, Ontario; possibly Hiawatha pageant costume.

Place of Origin: Desbarats, ON
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

Cory Willmott.


Beaded strips sewn on hide; sz. 11 seed beads (white, clear salmon, navy), thick hand tanned hide, possibly buffalo, moose or elk; cotton thread. Possibly vermillion or ochre.

Techniques or Format

Applique beadwork; fringes cut very roughly (uneven and thick).

Motifs and Patterns

Beadwork: white solid background; design motif of stepped squares in vertically opposing "V''s" of different sizes, resembling a teepee or hourglass shape open at top and bottom. Motif repeated twice on each legging.

Additional Context

The Plains style of these leggings from Debarats, Ontario, suggest that they were used in the Hiawatha pageants that took place at this location beginning in 1900.

Original and Subsequent Uses

Possibly Hiawatha pageant costume.

Condition: Shows signs of wear - sweat stains.
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 38-44-10/12735
GKS Reference Number: 27098
Record Creation Context

Physical examination on site at PMAE.

Record Creation Notes/Observations

7-13-2007 AGG and CW

Approximate Place of Origin
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