
One pair of brown, cowhide leggings with fringes from Manitoulin Island. Woven knee bands attached. Strip of red leather and beaded panels sewn on one side. Probably used in Hiawatha pageant -- regalia. Obtained from Thomas Aptasweh (Abotussaway) ('Little Current') by Dr. Paul Radin.
CMC catalog record.
CMC catalog record
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Brown cowhide; red leather; white, black, blue, green and transparent beads; (a)cotton cloth ties, (b) rawhide ties; blue loom-woven wool
Garters are blue loom-woven wool with stitched-on lozenge design in red and green (prob. black) wool thread in a quilting stitch.
Beading is alternating sections of white background with designs of two connected triangles in black and blue, and sections in transparent beads on dark places.
Probably used in Hiawatha pageant -- regalia.
Fringes down leggings is tied in several places. Slits below upper edge hold ties, of cotton cloth on (a) and rawhide on (b).
Leggings are part of a complete outfit (III-G-36, III-G-37a,b, III-G-38, III-G-39).
Obtained from Thomas Aptasweh ("Little Current"), Ojibwa of Manitoulin Island.
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