Lease of Land for 1 year from Etobicoke to Burlington Bay

Lease of Land for 1 year from Etobicoke to Burlington Bay

Lease of Land for 1 year from Etobicoke to Burlington Bay

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Agreement to lease 85,000 acres of land from Etobicoke to Burlington Bay, for one year in consideration of five shillings a piece. In addition, a yearly rent of one peppercorn was implemented.

Nation of Maker: Anishinaabe
Nation of Origin

First Nation surrendering land

Date Made or Date Range: 1806-09-05
Seasonal time
English: Fall
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

Treaty document


paper, brown ink, wax

Motifs and Patterns

1 crown seal, 10 doodemag

Description of Writing/Text

Description of Land Sold:

Commencing at the eastern bank of the mouth of the River Etobicoke, being on the limit of the western boundary line of the Toronto purchase in the year of Our Lord, 1787; then north twenty-two degrees west six miles; then south thirty-eight degrees west twenty-six miles, more or less, until it intersects a line on a course north forty-five degrees west produced from the outlet at Burlington Bay being the north-eastern boundary line of the Township of Flamborough East, and of the purchase in the year of Our Lord 1792; then along the said line south forty-five degrees east two hundred and thirty-three chains and fifty-eight links, more or less, to the lands granted to Captain Joseph Brant; then north forty-five degrees east one hundred and twenty-seven chains, to the northerly angle of the said lands; then south forty-five degrees east two hundred and ninety-three chains, more or less, to Lake Ontario; then north-easterly along the water’s edge of the said lake to the eastern bank of the River Etobicoke, the place of beginning. Yielding and paying therefore unto the said Chechalk, Quenepenon, Wakanyne, Okemapenesse, Wabenose, Kebonecence, Osenego, Acheton, Patequan and Wabakegego the yearly rent of one peppercorn at the expiration of the said term if the same shall be lawfully demanded.


D. Cameron, Commissioner

Donald Maclean, Commissioner

H.M. Smith

Geo. R. Ferguson, Capt. Canadian Regiment

Peter Selby, Asst. Secy. I.A.

J. B. Rousseaux

Wm. M. Crowther, Lieut. 41st Regt.

James Davidson, Hospital Staff

David Price, Interpreter

Crown Signatories:

W. Claus, D.S.G. on behalf of the Crown

First Nation’s Signatories:











Dimensions: 0 × 0 × 0 mm
Condition: discolouration, tears, brown stains, pieces missing
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

Date treaty signed

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: Government Archives Division Reference Indian Treaty Number 043
Link to Institution's Collections Database:
Publication History

Canada, Indian Treaties and Surrenders from 1680 to 1890, 2 vols., (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1891), 1: 36-37.

GKS Reference Number: 142
How to Cite this Item

5 September 1806, Lease of Land for 1 year from Etobicoke to Burlington Bay, Library and Archives Canada, Indian Affairs, D-10a, Series A, Volume 1842, Reel T-9338, GAD REF IT 043, (heritage item id no. 2537, accessed [date]).

Record Creation Context

This record was created under the direction of Heidi Bohaker as part of a larger research project funded by an Aboriginal Research Grant titled ““Braiding Knowledges: Anishinaabe Heritage in Community Perspective”from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Approximate Place of Origin
Source of Information about Places

Location of treaty lands

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