lacrosse stick
lacrosse stick
lacrosse stick

Carved wood and painted lacrosse stick. Rawhide netting. Painted motifs may represent the Haudenosaunee/Anishinaabe creation stories.
Based on motifs which could reference the Haudenosaunee/Anishinaabe creation stories.
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Wood, twisted rawhide, green, red, yellow, white and black paint
Turtle, long tailed being (muskrat?), trees, cross in sun/circle, domes, leaves, snake with arrow coming out of mouth, painted motifs, now smudged, along webbing, line of red dots on upper wooden frame
The images carved in the panel could reference the creation story - the muskrat/ earth diver, the sun, upper world symbols, the turtle
About This GRASAC Record
Unknown artist, lacrosse stick. Currently in the Royal Ontario Museum, 922.1.11. Item described as part of a GRASAC research trip; GRASAC item id 27337.
43.0703, -80.1184
Based on motifs which could reference the Haudenosaunee/Anishinaabe creation stories.