journal entry

journal entry

journal entry

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A journal or accession book entry dated November 30, 1818 for an "Indian dagger" and shells presented by Captain Dalziell. In the collections of The Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, University of Glasgow.

Date Made or Date Range: 1818-11-30
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

Museum documentation.

Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

This is the date of the accession or collection journal entry.

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: MR 50/10
GKS Reference Number: 27015
How to Cite this Item

first item: University of Glasgow Archive, MR 50/10
second item: University of Glasgow Archive, MR 50/10, pg 229.

Record Creation Context

This record was created as part of the GRASAC research trip visit to the Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, University of Glasgow in April, 2007.

Record Creation Notes/Observations

On-site researchers: Cory Willmott, Laura Peers, Ruth Phillips, Keith Jamieson, Alan Corbiere, Sally-Ann Coupar.

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