headdress, gustoweh

headdress, gustoweh

headdress, gustoweh

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Headdress or gustoweh, made of wooden splints covered with leather and decorated with feathers. Made on the Grand River Reserve and collected by Egon Renner in 1978.

Nation of Maker: Oneida
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

stated by the collector

Date Made or Date Range: 1978

ash splints, artificial sinew, pig leather, imitated eagle feathers, turkey feathers and down, blue felt

Techniques or Format

Made of a wooden headband with an attached cross piece, which is covered with pig leather. Sewing is done with artificial sinew. Split turkey feathers plus two imitated eagle feathers are fastened to the top of the crown. The two eagle quills are bound with blue felt.

Condition: unused
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

stated on register card

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: IV-B-13036
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: ca. 1978
Date Relative was First Removed or Collected from its Community Context: 1978
GKS Reference Number: 1027
Record Creation Context

Created by Nikolaus Stolle during a research visit to the museum commissioned by Ruth Phillips and supported by her research funds.

Approximate Place of Origin
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